Thursday 16 June 2011

Annual Report - Year Ending 31st March 2011

Annual Report - Year Ending 31st March 2011

Appointed Officers as at 31st March 2010
Chairman – Mrs A Faulkner
Vice Chairman – Mrs K Gallagher
Honorary Secretary – Mrs K Gallagher
Acting Honorary Treasurer – Dr M Ayres

Appointed Officers as at 31st March 2011
Chairman – Mrs A Faulkner
Vice Chairman – Mrs K Gallagher
Honorary Secretary – Mrs K Gallagher
Honorary Treasurer – Dr M Ayres

Accounting Body – Swanage Town Council

Bank – Lloyds TSB, Swanage

Independent Examiner – Mr H Lovegrove CPFA

Mission Statement
“A vibrant friendly community of all ages based on a successful economy in a safe, healthy environment whilst preserving the uniqueness of Swanage as a gateway within an area of World Heritage Status”.

Membership is open to nominated representatives of all statutory bodies, voluntary organisations, clubs and community groups.

Projects & Activities
The Town Partnership’s support is required in order for projects to successfully access external funding from a range of government sponsored grant making bodies. Projects include the Swanage to Wareham Rail link, identifying a site for an Enterprise Centre, Swanage Fairtrade and Partners and Community Together (PACT). The Town Partnership has a commitment to support specific ongoing projects within Swanage. These include the provision of changing facilities for youth football teams at King George’s Field, support for Y-Axis in fundraising for the final instalment of Skate Park equipment and the construction of a new boathouse facility for the Swanage Sea Rowing Club.
Market & Coastal Towns initiative (MCTi)
Funding for this initiative was finalised in 2007/08. The initiative was commenced during 2005/06, with support from the Market & Coastal Towns Association (MCTA). The Swanage Community Strategic Plan (SCSP) was completed and published in May 2007. It has been adopted by Dorset County Council, Purbeck District Council and Swanage Town Council. The SCSP will continue to be used by a range of government agencies to bring forward a variety of local projects linked to the strategic planning objectives, policies and local initiatives.

The initiatives fall into a range of subjective areas; Environment, Culture, Economy and Social. Progress and updates on these initiatives are contained in the Chairman’s Annual Report.

1) During 2010/11 the Partnership experienced limited financial activity.

2) Although the Town Council did not make a financial contribution to the Town Partnership during 2010/11 it did provide “in-kind” support through the provision of a dedicated office and meeting room within the Town Hall.

3) Expenditure was limited to expenses of £321 for the Chairman, £25 for the hire of the Mowlem Community Rooms and £229 in telephone bills.

4) All funds currently held are to be used solely by the MCTi Working Group to promote the Swanage Plan, subject to the approval of the spending of significant sums by the full Town Partnership. These funds are not to be used as a source of grant funding, but are a means to facilitate future funding for projects.

5) The total balance carried forward to 2011/12 is £31,760.


as at 31st March 2011

09/10 10/11
£ £

32,408 Balance brought forward 32,335

500 Swanage Town Council General Contribution 0

335 Fees & Expenses 321
0 Room Hire 25
238 Telephone 229
573 575

32,335 Balance carried forward 31,760

Independent Examiner’s Certificate

I certify that the above represents a true and fair view of the financial affairs of the Swanage Town & Community Partnership for the year to 31st March 2011.

………………………………………….. Date…………………..

1 comment:

  1. unclear from this web page. How often do they meet? Who attends? Where can residents find out more clearly what is going on and what is achieved?

    What is a URL?
